This event has been created to celebrate the essence of life and that is ‘UNITY IN DIVERSITY"

"All of us have a rainbow of attributes within ourselves and this colourful rainbow unites us in our personalities to create that one shining flame of everlasting sunshine, one spirit that we all seek. That is what we want to see all around us under the one sunshine of Unity in Diversity, with blossoming children. Always celebrating the light and the rainbow at the same time and with the same spirit". - Event Director, Meena Chopra

Friday, December 2, 2011

StarBuzz: Prime Minister Stephen Harper meets the Burlington...

StarBuzz: Prime Minister Stephen Harper meets the Burlington...: Burlington, Ontario - Prime Minister Stephen Harper meets the Burlington Teen Tour Band inside the newly built Burlington Performing Arts...

Unity in Diversity with Children


StarBuzz: PRIME MINISTER HARPER VISITS NEW BURLINGTON PERFOR...: 2 December 201 - Prime Minister Stephen Harper participates in an event at the new Burlington Performing Arts Centre StarBuzz Weekly, To...

StarBuzz Weekly, Toronto-

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Art classes in Mississauga ON - Call 905 819 8142

Unity in Diversity with Children
Art classes in Mississauga ON - Call 905 819 8142

Special writing skill development programs for kids in Mississauga - 905 819 8142

Unity in Diversity with Children-
SUMMER SPECIAL Creative Writing - Special writing skill development programs for kids in Mississauga Call 9...

Friday, November 25, 2011

"UNITY" Official Music Video

StarBuzz Weekly, Toronto-

Motivational Video, anti racial and Unity is strength, Corruption

Unity in Diversity with Children

Unity in Diversity with Children - Rogers TV